
Dr. Bitter sciton Online Academy


Expand your knowledge and expertise, and learn Dr. Bitter’s specialized techniques in the use of Sciton’s BroadBand Light(BBL ) and BBL HERO with Dr. Bitter’s Advanced Online Training Courses. Includes One Year Access and a Certificate of Completion.

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Note: Master BBL Course and BBL HERO Online Courses included with the purchase of a new BBL module. Please contact Dr. Bitter’s office or your Sciton Representative.

Broad Band Light and Forever Young BBL Training

Dr. Patrick Bitter has successfully trained over 8,000 Sciton professionals! He now offers a remote video version of his in-person expert training in a format that is distance-learning friendly. 

Dr. Bitter is widely regarded as a leading expert on treating skin with light. No one knows more about your Sciton Laser and how to use all its modalities than Dr. Bitter. He is truly a thought leader in the aesthetics laser training industry.

About Sciton Aesthetic Lasers

Dr. Bitter loves using his Sciton. He loves teaching and is dedicated to bringing the message of Skin rejuvenation to everyone who wants to benefit from his teachings. He is pleased to offer a new remote video option for his students so he can reach even more people.

Dr. Bitter has been teaching Sciton owners and medical professionals how to master their technology since the introduction of the Sciton Laser, BBL TableTop and Joule. Dr. Bitter has personally trained over 8,000 Sicton owners on how to maximize the use of Broad Band Light (BBL).

In recognition of his talents, Dr. Bitter is frequently invited to travel with Sciton all around the world. He trains the world’s leading physicians on how to master BBL and drastically increase their profits.

In fact, after Dr. Bitter’s effective training, many practitioners are so successful they purchase another Sciton Joule!

Discover more of Dr. Bitter’s amazing work by reading our blog. 

Why Does Dr. Bitter Choose Sciton?

Dr. Bitter has been using Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and BBL lasers since they were first developed over 20 years ago. He has experience with, and access to, the top lasers in the industry. Dr. Bitter chooses Sciton Joule because he believes it provides the most advanced treatment available for skin rejuvenation.

Sciton BBL is the most popular aesthetic light device. Dr. Bitter’s speaking, lecturing and teaching have contributed to the popularity of the Sciton Laser.

Dr. Bitter’s World-Class Teaching Now Available Remotely

Dr. Bitter is a Board Certified Dermatologist and graduate of Stanford Medical University. He is the one who developed the protocols for the Forever Young BBL (FYBBL) treatments. Dr. Bitter is the dermatologist called upon by Sciton to train physicians via his Sciton Preceptorships.

Dr. Bitter is a Sciton KOL (Key Opinion Leader). Dr. Bitter has been a Sciton KOL and trusted dermatologist advisor to Sciton for many years.

That’s because Sciton trusts Dr. Bitter’s years of experience and deep knowledge of Sciton’s Broad Band Light system. He is intensely interested in IPL’s ability to rejuvenate skin. He was the first in the world to develop the Fotofacial™ procedure – Dr. Bitter is so visionary, he even trademarked the technique. 

Sciton’s Key Opinion Leader (KOL)

Sciton has entrusted Dr. Bitter with developing and teaching the most advanced and comprehensive clinical preceptorship in the aesthetic laser industry. Dr. Bitter is a KOL and has helped Sciton perfect their technology via years of high-level meetings, open only to authorized physicians.

Dr. Bitter has also provided training to Sciton’s clinical team and sales reps. Sciton trusts Dr. Bitter to train their team. Wouldn’t you want Dr. Bitter to train your team?

He is the dermatologist who originated and completed the landmark study that BBL can actually change the genetic expression of skin cells, turning off older acting skin cells and turning on younger, active skin cells.[1] All the treatments and research for Sciton’s genetic expression study were conducted at Dr. Bitter’s dermatology practice in Los Gatos, California.

Business and Marketing Advice

Dr. Bitter has been advising physicians and medical spa owners for over 20 years. He regularly advises physicians on industry standards and best practices. Like most, we are a physician-owned practice with only a few part-time medical professionals on staff. But our practice is extremely profitable. In Dr. Bitters’ office, for instance, we have over 15 lasers!

Consider Dr. Bitter’s courses if you would like to learn how we how we achieve continued excellence. View our courses here.

What are Dr. Bitter's Trainings benefits ?

Dr. Bitter offers a variety of training options with Sciton points. Train with the most respected Sciton laser expert, Dr. Bitter!

Benefits of Dr. Bitter’s Training

FotoFacial Online Training




Yes! Dr. Bitter regularly advises non-dermatologists on how to manage and grow their aesthetic practice. Dr. Bitter is the only Sciton BBL Trainer with 30 years of experience as a board-certified dermatologist and over 20 years of experience training physicians. In his trainings, Dr. Bitter shares everything he uses to grow his practice, including choice of lasers (we have 15!), photography, how to hire and retain great staff, how to create a trusted brand in your community, recommended protective eyewear, skincare, medical supplies, software tools, ways to maximize profits and much more.

Each course includes over 20 hours of video with more being added all the time. 

  1. Bitter, P. (2020). Broad Band Light and Skin Rejuvenation. Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America28(1), 29–36. 


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