
Lip Augmentation In LOS GATOS, CA

Lip Augmentation In LOS GATOS, CA

Silicon Valley and the San Francisco Bay Area & South Bay AND MONTEREY / Carmel Peninsula – our patients come From all over !!!

Lip augmentation is an enlargement of the lips using non-surgical methods. With the help of dermal fillers and injectables, we here at Advanced Aesthetic Dermatology can create a sensuous, voluminous look for your lips that will attract lots of attention from your inner circle. It is a safe, minimally invasive treatment that is injected to fill in gaps where it’s needed to create a better profile for your lips. Lip augmentation is a safe and easy procedure that requires little effort on your part and doesn’t require lengthy recovery and downtimes. Dr. Patrick Bitter, Jr., M.D. is a board-certified dermatologist who sincerely cares about everyone who walks into our doors. He loves celebrating his patients’ wins on their journey to developing the best version of themselves. Contact us for a consultation at our friendly offices in sunny Los Gatos, CA, or call us at (408) 358-5757.


Lip augmentation in Los Gatos, CA, with the use of dermal fillers and other injectables has risen above the ranks and is leading the way as the top treatment for increasing the size and fullness of the lips fillers in Los Gatos, CA.  Injectables are a quick and effective way to create some plump in the lips. Other treatments are more invasive and require more downtime than dermal fillers. It should be noted that there are two main types of fillers: injectable neurotoxins or neuromodulators and Hyaluronic Acid (HA).


Hyaluronic Acid (HA):

These fillers contain natural substances found in the body. When injected, the formula does its work in providing added support and structure to the skin and fills in the gaps where it’s needed. The results will have you leaving with a pair of lips that are natural-looking. Household name brands such as the ones below are used to create well-bolstered lips:

  • Juvederm and Juvederm Voluma XC
  • Restylane and Restylane Silk

Injectable neurotoxins or neuromodulators

These treatments contain neurotoxins that cause the facial muscles to relax. They are wildly popular in treating fine lines and wrinkles. But they enhance the look and feel of your lips. They add more contours than ever before. Some of the brands we use are:

  • Botox
  • Dysport

All of these products will give you similar, long-lasting results


Patients opting for dermal fillers for their lips at Advanced Aesthetic Dermatology can enjoy an uncomplicated experience. They are a fast way to add fullness to the lips without the need for invasive procedures or lengthy downtimes. You are free to leave the office once your treatment is done. Patients also point out other advantages of using dermal fillers for the lips. They include:


Patients can see immediate improvement to their lips as soon as their treatment ends. You will be able to notice fuller, optimized contours that complement your overall facial appearance.


The procedure does not require the need for surgery. This means you can look forward to less bruising or discomfort. You can leave the office in under an hour without too much inconvenience in your life.


Patients witness a huge boost to their self-esteem. You’ll certainly get attention from loved ones and family about your new look. You’ll be able to introduce yourself better now that smiling has become more natural and enjoyable.


Dr. Bitter and his friendly staff have your interest at heart. We are committed to delivering results that are natural to you. The results are noticeable but are made sure that they conform to your overall facial aesthetics.

See how you can benefit from these wildly popular treatments. Schedule a private consultation with our offices in lovely Los Gatos.


Men and women who are looking for fuller lips or have developed fine lines around their lips and can seek treatment with an augmentation. Candidates are recommended to be in good health and free of any pre-existing conditions. Patients who are pregnant are encouraged to wait until after childbirth. Those with allergies to lidocaine are encouraged to tell Dr. Bitter so we can find other solutions that are right for you.

Personal Consultation

The passion for staying healthy is deep-rooted for Dr. Patrick Patrick Bitter, Jr., M.D. 

He has been a champion of personal fitness for many years. He has worked his way up as a highly esteemed cosmetic surgeon in Silicon Valley. His unparalleled knowledge in the world of cosmetic procedures has caught on with patients and colleagues alike. He has traveled across the country spreading knowledge about the facets of current and emerging cosmetic techniques.

While you wait for your consultation day, take a look at our blog filled with informative posts and information.

Just before you come to see us, we recommend saving yourself time during the check-in process by pre-filling our easy patient forms. Your consultation will take place at our inviting office on the northeastern side of Los Gatos, CA. We are conveniently located near Highway 18 Just exit off Lark Avenue and drive less than a mile east toward Los Gatos Boulevard. Come right up. We are here to celebrate your journey into a brand new look. 

Our friendly staff will start the consultation by asking you a few questions regarding your overall health and the medications you may take. Then Dr. Bitter will be introduced to you. His friendly demeanor will keep you at ease. He’ll gather context into your circumstances to better understand how we can help. Next, he will examine your lips and identify key areas where filler can be introduced. Your session will come to a close when he develops a treatment plan for you. 


Lip augmentation requires little to no preparation on your part. Dr. Bitter recommends that patients stop smoking and drinking alcohol 2-3 days before their treatment. Please stop taking certain medications including anti-inflammatories and blood thinners. Finally, we want you to get a good rest the night before. So remember to get rest up and come to the office with a fresh face without makeup or moisturizer.


Your treatment day is dedicated to you. You will be shown to your treatment room where you will be sitting comfortably. We’ll get started by cleansing the face to prepare you for your procedure. Patients can choose to have a numbing agent applied to minimize discomfort. Next, Dr. Bitter will gently inject the cosmetic into strategic areas in and around the lips.  The formula will be injected multiple times to allow it to spread throughout your lips. Results can instantly be seen as the fillers go to work and correct hollow and empty areas around the lips. 


Recovery time is quick because the procedure does not require surgery. You may leave right after your treatment. However, your lips might be sensitive to the touch. An ice pack may be applied to reduce swelling and discomfort. Please avoid touching your face for about six hours. Plan on sleeping on your back for the first night following the lip procedure. Patients may also experience chapped lips. This is a normal part of the process and should go away in a few days.  Finally, avoid extended sun exposure for the next two weeks. When you do go out, remember to wear SPF sunscreen to protect your skin.


When the swelling goes away in a few days, you will see your final lip contours. Your new lips will be soft to the touch, smooth, and more voluminous than ever. The results are made to look natural while being noticeable at the same time. You will definitely feel younger than ever before. You can expect your results to last anywhere from 9-12 months, depending on the filler used. In some cases, results may last over a year. [4] To maintain results, we recommend scheduling additional sessions for 4-6 sittings placed 4-6 weeks apart. 


The final cost is calculated based on several factors including the number of sessions required and your ideal aesthetics. All these concerns will be addressed at your consultation. You can also give us a call at your convenience to get an estimated quote on your treatment. We recommend you keep a watchful eye on our periodic specials to take advantage of huge savings. 

Show others you care by gifting them our e-gift cards.


That will all depend on the look you are looking for. Certain fillers will improve the borders of the lips and others will focus more on the improvement on the lips themselves. However, your consultation with Dr. Bitter will determine which one is right for you.

  1. Kar, M., Muluk, N. B., Bafaqeeh, S. A., & Cingi, C. (2018). Is it possible to define the ideal lips? Acta Otorhinolaryngologica Italica : Organo Ufficiale Della Societa Italiana Di Otorinolaringologia E Chirurgia Cervico-Facciale38(1), 67–72. Click Here
  2. Lip Enhancement Options. (n.d.). ABCS. Retrieved August 5, 2021, from Click Here
  3. Marks, H. (2012, October 4). Lip Augmentation. WebMD; WebMD. Click Here
  4. Walker, L., & Cetto, R. (2021). Lip Augmentation Using Hyaluronic Acid Filler and a 4-mm Needle: A Safer, More Natural, and Predictable Approach. The Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology14(1), E61–E63.


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